Yesterday morning, Sunday, we got the keys to the house. Walked through the emptiness before church. It looks a lot bigger without all the massive furniture the previous owner had stuffed in every corner. Also every flaw and defect shows its ugly head. Now we are debating how much we want to do before we move in. There is really no pressure to make the move since the big house hasn’t sold yet. I just hate the idea of living in two places. It always seems that the tool or thing you need is at the other place 10 miles away.
The hardwood floors are not bad but they would look a whole lot better if they were sanded and refinished. Big job but a whole lot easier in an empty house. The paint is not real bad either but there is lots of wear and tear that would look much better with a fresh coat of paint. If we are going to paint we should do that before the floors. Not so much worry about drips that way. Decisions, decisions!
I spent several hours Sunday afternoon just cleaning the garage and sorting trash from treasure. They left a lot of stuff that they didn’t need in their new apartment. Mostly yard maintenance related (some of which I’m glad to have) and a fair amount of trash. They left an old working frig that I unplugged and put on Free Cycle this morning. I don’t need that spinning up the electric bill. Actually electric meters don’s spin anymore. Ours is digital with an indecipherable LCD readout.
There is an antique treadle sewing machine with a broken cast iron leg and missing woodwork. Hannah’s eyes lit up when she saw it! Not sure it is worth fooling with although it is the type of project I’d like to do if I didn’t have so many other higher priorities right now. They left an old school chair with the built in desk top and the drawer under the seat. That sure brought back memories of primary school in Pennsylvania many years ago when I had a desk just like that. The last significant item is a nice Schwinn bicycle. probably will sell that since we already own two recumbent bikes they we don’t ride much anymore.
I’ve decided to move all of my shop stuff to the basement first so I have the tools and equipment I need on site. As soon as my friend clears the sod I’ll be building the shed. I need to evaluate how much I want to and can afford to do before we actually move into the main floor. Hannah will continue packing and work on cleaning the main floor baths and kitchen.
So I’m up early this morning. I plan to load the pick-up and a small trailer I borrowed with shop stuff and move it all over there this afternoon. I don’t want to make any trips to the new place without a load of stuff. I have many trips to make just for the shop stuff. I’ll need help when it gets down to the big machines and benches.
Enough of this for now. I’ve got work to do.